CultureObject has an extensible model which allows developers to build what we’re calling a provider – a specific way of mapping data from source to WordPress fields – to enable the plugin to consume data from different sources.
To date, we have built providers which allow for consumption of data from both a RESTy API and a structured data file. We’ve focused our effort on some of the main collections management systems and will be developing further providers as soon as we can.
The providers currently available are:
- AdLib XML export
- CultureGrid API
- South West Collections Explorer
- KE Emu
- CollectionSpace
Please note that although we have done some testing – and some production-level builds – against all of these data sources, we know how wrangled and quirky this content can be.
1) {obvious} don’t do this on a production site until you’re confident it works for your particular flavour of data..
2) if you try and the import fails, try and use the error to figure out what needs tweaking. If you think it’s a bug or need further help, sling an email via the web form at – preferably with a sample of your data attached.
Coming soon:
- Modes
- Europeana
We are also working on a scraper / spider. A scrider, maybe.. 🙂
If you have an existing structured data source and are considering building a provider, have a read of the usage instructions on the GitHub page. If you need further advice or help, please get in touch. Shortly we may provide a discussion list or similar for developers if there is sufficient demand.